A Video on Periodization

Posted byChris at 12:58 PM 0 comments  

Periodization Training

Most of us have had times when are training is going fantastic and we are making great gains.  All of a sudden the gains stop and we feel stagnate.  This is quite common, but easy to avoid.  One of the easiest ways is to change up your workouts by altering the exercises, the amount of weight we are using and the number of reps in eaach set.

Another way is to practice periodization training.  Periodization in a nutshell is a longer term training plan, where the specific training goals change every 6 to 8 weeks.  These goals could be strength, size, fitness or leaning up.

Over the next few posts I'll go over some of the different stages and how you can tailor your workouts, diet and supplement intake to get the most benefit.

Posted byChris at 1:49 PM 0 comments  

Favorite Supplement Company

Check out Gaspari Nutrition.  I really like the products from this company.  SuperPump and SizeOn are my favorites.

Posted byChris at 1:16 PM 0 comments  

7 Tips for returning After a Layoff

1. - Do the entire body 3 to 4 times a week for the first two weeks.
2. - Do 2 exercises per body part, with 3 sets per exercise.
3. - Keep it light and perfect your form.
4. - Do compound exercises like bench press, dead lifts and squats (remember to keep it light).
5. - Work on abs, and try some planks for the transverse abdominals.
6. - Put some cardio in your workouts.  Early on, do them at the beginning of your workout.
7. - Eat lots of protein mand cut down on fats, starches and sugars.

Posted byChris at 7:06 PM 0 comments  

Top 100 Fitness and Diet Blogs

Here is an excellent list of diet and exercise blogs with lots of variety and hours of poking around.  Hope you enjoy.

Posted byChris at 5:04 PM 0 comments  

Fitness and Diet 101

Let's talk about the basics when it comes to fitness and diet.  What works for you?  I've been interested since I was a highschool student playing whatever sport they would let me.  I've made some gains and then lost them and then got them back again.  I'll talk about what I've learned and what others have tried to tell me.  I encourage readers to submit ideas and questions.

Posted byChris at 4:50 PM 0 comments